女性的生活 (Female Sex)
江 楓
吳 敏 飾 王佩華
高 鳴 飾 藍偉克
周 遊 飾 金海燕
林淑慧 飾 方淑惠
(左)吳敏飾演叛逆少女王佩華。 (右)江楓主演《女性的生活》片中造型。
Maiden Wang Pei-Hua lost her father when she was a child, and was brought up by her conservative mother. She was terribly spoiled, usually stay out until midnight. Her mother is afraid that she might be lose herself, however, the splendored world attracts her so much, and her curiosity is not frustrated by her mother’s persuasion or blaming. One day she meet a play boy Lan Wei-Kerr who always takes advantage of young girls, first his cousin Kim Hai-Yien was forsaken by him, then another young cussin Fang Shu-Huei, because she is wise enough to avoided being raped by him so still in vain. When Wei-Kerr meets Pei-Hua naturally and falls in love with her right away soon he have had her and this time he is hope to marry her, he really mean it, but very unfortunely he can not get his parent permission. This tragedy news make Pei-Hua so sad and she is going to indulges herself, release her body to anyone, just like a coquette. No doubt she is getting seriously sick. As soon as Wei-Kerr learned this he way to the hospital but he was killed by an accident. As they informed to Pei-Hua that Wei-Kerr was in the morgue and she was falls into her mother’s arms asking her mother to tell her the truth of love. Because she is looking for love, waiting for love but what she got from love.
Edited by Evance